H is for... Happy Slut Day Halloween!

My Facebook timeline has quite literally been a stream of soft porn for the past few days, and thankfully it's only set to get worse..! I mean, it's Halloween! The time when the Slut Competition begins and everyone is given a free pass to a good old perv. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining; it makes for a great show! And girls, you really have excelled yourselves this year! Or maybe I've just befriended more sluts...

B is for... Begging For Body Parts.


I didn't know (sorry if you did), but there's actually a website in the U.S that allows people who need a kidney to plead directly for a donor online.... Bloody Americans, right!? Wrong. The website is also in the UK!

So the website (www.matchingdonors.co.uk) puts people seeking organ transplants in direct contact with potential living donors for a registration fee. An initial review by the UK Human Tissue Authority said that the website charged up to £375 for potential organ recipients to register!

J is for... Jimmy and Aunty

The total confirmed count of Savile's victims as I write this is approximately 300. Just think about that for a minute - three hundred.

I think the worst part is obviously the child abuse, but secondary to that there were plenty of clues that BBC TV and radio presenter sexually abused girls throughout his career — and by "clues," I mean multiple allegations — and no one dared challenge him.

T is for... Twitter's Social Suicide.

Twitter's finally done it then... Followed through with their threats of geographical censorship by blocking users in Germany from viewing the tweets of Besseres Hannover, a group of neo-Nazis. This is the first time Twitter has ever censored an account, and you can be sure there will be activist uproars about the death of free speech.

B is for... Benners: Episode 4

Hi Guys,

It's that time again (good for a Friday!) where I hand you over to the hilarious Benners; filling you in on the most intimate details of his travelling experiences ;]. Here he continues his story in Cancun... Enjoy!

EP 4 – Cancun, Mexico: “The Meaning Of 'Fun' And What It Takes To Have Some...”

I battled with myself on a Monday afternoon at the beach near my hotel. “Was I having fun?” I asked myself continuously. The answer: I don't know. What is 'fun'? I guess it depends who you are. Some people find eating a large tub of Haagen Dazs a real treat, others really enjoy skateboarding, others get a kick out of hearing themselves speaking; but are we always having fun doing these activities? Is it fun when you’re sat getting a coronary heart bypass because you’re an obese man, meant to be enjoying the prime of his life, only you ate too much ice-cream? Is it fun, I mean, constantly fun skateboarding? Never one day were you just think, 'Man, I can't be fucked today. I'm going home to watch Simpsons.' Never a single moment where you've realised you are actually talking so much you are boring people and you have to stop and take a quick reality check?

'Fun' for me ultimately depends on how you feel and whom you are with, for example: You buy your girlfriend some Haagen Dazs, take it over to her place and eat it with her, watching a movie you hate but deal with, and then later she calls you 'her Daddy' and it's all smiles – that sounds fun? You had fun right? Now imagine you buy that same cookie-dough ice-cream but you eat it alone, in your room, depressed because your girlfriend gave Mental Dave a hand-job and you couldn't find a spoon because you’re a fucking loser so you had to lick, suck and slurp the whole sub-temperature treat out of the container like a knob. That's not fun at all.

Or you go skateboarding with all your friends at your favourite spot, the weather is amazing, everyone is stoked, you land a new trick, catching the eye of an emo girl who takes you round the back of the aquarium for a blow-job, and it's amazing – that’s a fun, pleasurable day, one I'm pleased to say I did experience during my youth. On the more painful end of the spectrum, imagine you go skateboarding but none of your friends turn up ‘cause they aren't your friends at all – they think you're a dick. You turn up, approach the staircase at full speed but then some chavs appear out of nowhere, give you a fucking good kickin', take all your shit and draw a cock on your head in permanent marker. That's not much fun. We don't enjoy this.

The only exception to the 'how you feel and whom you are with' rule is if you add mind-altering substances in to the mix. If you were drunk during the 'kickin' or the 'depressed ice-cream' moments, you were probably still having a shit time, but it hurt less; much less. So after dragging my ass off the beach, wiping the tears off of the photo album my wonderful sister took the time to make me, and drinking a small bottle of tequila alone in my room at the hotel, I went out and I was not coming home until I had fun – my kinda fun...


R is for... Response to Sam Wheatley.

Here I am, carrying on the discussion about science and religion :]

Yeah, kindly ignore the part where I get distracted... Was going to re-do it, but you know, didn't want it to get too "stagey"!:



F is for... Fun(damentalist Christian Exorcism)!

Fundamentalist Christian exorcism? Yeah, sounds really GOOD!


This is something that I wasn’t actually aware really happened. But it does. It does happen. And just like the Fundamentalist Christians we know and love, they are also brainwashing their children to partake in such activities as well. Activities which have been acitvely condemned even by members of the Christian Church itself...

Watch this video:

H is for... Heil Hitler!

Errm, so I'm not sure everyone (or anyone) is going to be interested in this post, but I was, and no one wants to talk to me about it, so you'll have to just put up with this one I think. Humour me?!

Have you seen this shop yet?!

S is for... Sam Wheatley's Vlog Rebuttal.

It is with great pleasure (sort of) that I introduce you guys to Sam Wheatley (@samuelwheatfree). Our friendship actually originated on Twitter (through some shameless bullying on his part), and I subsequently began listening to his radio show, aptly named The Sam Wheatley Show, on a Thursday night... This show has unfortunately come to an end now, but he's set to be back on the radio again doing four shows and a Christmas Special from the 28th October. Follow him on Twitter if you're interested - funny guy.

Anyway, without me going on too much, Sam has done a response video to my first vlog about religion. It's cool when people get involved, and I think you guys will rate what he has to say, so here you go...

Looking forward, as always, to hearing your thoughts! :]


I is for... Immunising Celebrity Stupidity.

Celebrities are dangerous. Blanket statement, sure. But if it's not Rihanna glamorising domestic violence, it is Professor Green deeming bulimia nervosa as an "intelligent eating disorder". The most recent addition to this dangerous new group of celebrities who talk avidly about topics they have no knowledge of is Rob Schneider, who has taken to advising against vaccinations...

B is for... Benners: Episode 3.

Over to Benners again for you today folks; which is a massive Godsend, as I have dislocated my shoulder and typing has become somewhat inconvenient...

Enjoy! It's a good one! :D...

EP3 'The Bad Burrito and My Introduction to Moral Dilemmas.'

The flight from Vancouver to Mexico was a relatively straightforward affair, if you don't include the fact I got delayed at Houston Airport for ten hours. I can think of worse airports to be stranded at, mainly because during the course of this trip I've been stranded at worse airports. Houston on the other hand, had plenty of bars and eateries and I was hungry and I love booze, so overall it could have been worse. Plus a girl I know sent me a picture of her vagina, so that was nice. Also the delay I faced meant I got to bump myself up to Business Class for about $40 and was able to sit out the remaining three hours of the journey in relative bliss, drinking wine and pondering my tactics for the next couple weeks. My ponderings however didn't mean I failed to notice the businessman sat next to me, looking over thinking “What the fuck is he doing here?” constantly, and I'm pleased to inform, I took great pleasure from it.